A Dark Summoning - Lilith's Elixir


This is a siphoning of Lilith’s primal demoness essence into the depths of your veins. An absorption of her autonomy & prestigious power. A Cosmic ‘Blood Transfusion’, a Quantum Leap into the very heart of the Goddess, an Occult Rite as HER dark currents flows through your veins & her Sigil is forever tattooed in your DNA.

Upon purchase you will receive the pre ritual instructions. The Ritual will follow and be delivered to your inbox in a voice-guided audio 24 hours after purchase. I will take you through the steps to follow for the highest Magick, whilst you will also be allowing your higher intuition to make the ritual your own according to what is brought up to the surface and what is intuitively nudged by your own Higher Posse. The power is still yours, I’m just your Sorceress.
