The Money Grimoire (Self Guided Journey)
This is extensive. It’s the accessing of the Astral Bank Vault, as well as a vigorous undertaking of the tangible and intangible knowledge of personal and monetary assets and liabilities. It is the money that you touch, count & hold in your human hands AND money energy that circulates & surrounds the soul path. It is human financial projections + Cosmic accountancy - money you left on the table, money you are missioned to possess & experience in this life. It is MONEY like you've never done it before. Perspectives from the Quantum life of the higher self - your original untouched financier - the one who had nothing to do with your bloodline, society or the matrix, as well as the raw order of the Goddess - her wealth codes, imprints from ancient lives lived in majestic Temples - you're taking the hot seat with both these archetypes/frequencies, as your financial, legal, and statutory guardian. so you can get your multidimensional Money ducks in a row